Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Ramblings on Super Bowl Parties

 Though I have watched every Super Bowl since its inception I never was invited to or had a Super Bowl party till I hosted one myself for the 85 Super Bowl. Prior to that my Super Bowl watching had been with my brothers  and while there were times that I had have company to watch the games there were other times I watched the BIG GAME alone..

The first Super Bowl party I hosted featured the Chicago Bears and the New England Patriots. It was the year of Refrigerator Perry the rap hit "Super Bowl Shuffle" and the "punky QB known as Mc Mahon.

That party featured by soon to be brothers in laws. In one of the things I was accused of in the transition from Brothers in Laws to ex Brothers in laws is that I corrupted them in exposing them to the joys of the game and being at the root of their interest in football.

Let's get the rough ones out of the way..

Super Bowl XXIV Denver Broncos vs San Francisco 49ers : I was living in Minneapolis at the time but I had taken a Greyhound Bus to Denver because I just knew that despite being heavy underdogs that the Denver Broncos were going to prevail and I wanted to be there to paint City Hall Orange and Blue. The party was at my buddy Doug Anderson's house with his roommate Doug Wilhelm.

At halftime the score was San Francisco 35 Broncos 3. Doug Wilhelm and I concluded that this game couldnt get worse Right?? We then agreed that because it wasnt going to get worse that we would each take a shot of tequila for every 49'er touchdown in the second half. Final Score: 49'rs 55 Broncos 10

There is also the story of the infamous "Denver County Tour" which began shortly after that game but that's another story for another time.

Then there was Super Bowl 48 Seattle Seahawks vs Denver Broncos. There was quite the food spread laid out for this Super Bowl party held at my St Paul Minnesota apartment. It felt like it was all going to waste moments into the game when a snap went over Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning's head leading to a Seattle safety. To add insult to injury the second half started with a touchdown by ex Minnesota Vikings Percy Harvin. There were a few Vikings fans at my party that took special pleasure by that score. Final Score Seattle 43 Denver 8

Making hot chicken wings for the Super Bowl became a tradition for me starting at the 85 Super Bowl. It started out as making your standard Buffalo wing but over the years has evolved into the tradition of making hot and flavorful wings of all types. Some of them over the years have been THC infused. Most of the time when I have infused the wings it has been with the Jamaican jerk wet rub. In most years when I'd make that wing I'd first be hit with the taste of the wonderful blend of peppers and spices that give jerk its amazing flavor,then the heat would attack with flavorful ferocity. Just as the heat would begin to subside the THC effect would begin to take over. This wasnt the case for Super Bowl LVI  Los Angeles Rams vs Cincinnati Bengals.   With the wings for that Super Bowl every sense hit at once. I felt as if I was watching an animated movie watching that game. I'll be making THC infused Jamaican jerk wings with Carolina Reaper peppers along with Fatali pepper Teriyaki wings for Super Bowl 59

Maybe I should count the party of one Super Bowl parties just the same..after all for Super Bowl 1 I wrote the names down of every player from the Green Bay Packers and Kansas City Chiefs and on the day of the Super Bowl I got out of bed as early as some kids do for Christmas. Now as an old man I've told my grandson that the Super Bowl is better than Christmas. I dont think he believes me..yet.

Watching the Super Bowl as a neutral observer is a far different experience when your favorite team is playing in it.

I havent paid much attention to the halftime performance in years. This was clearly evident during Super Bowl XXXVIII New England Patriots vs Carolina Panthers.The party was at Andy Larson's Uptown Minneapolis apartment. Janet Jackson was the halftime entertainment. My eyes were on the TV but my mind was wondering if the TV analyst would match up with my thoughts on the game. Andy was preparing food in the kitchen. It was Dan Schauer who yelled "There's her boob!" The sight was gone by the time my mind jerked into the present moment. I didnt realize it was such a big deal till I was reading all the news accounts the next day. When I think of Super Bowl halftime performances I think of the Rolling Stones  Prince Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers..the Grambling College Marching Band.

I learned from the humiliation of Super Bowl 48 that when your favorite team is in the Super Bowl it is best to invite only those who will root for your team to the party. Such was the case with Super Bowl 50 Denver Broncos vs Carolina Panthers. I think I made the right choice..

Most memorable Super Bowl party in recent years? It should be of no surprise that the most fun Super Bowl party I've attended was hosted in St Paul Minnesota at a house known as the Fun House hosted by one known as "Mr Fun" Football was on the big screen but it was clear that one didnt have to like football to have fun at Mr Fun's house. There was good food interesting people to chat with whether one liked football or not and plenty of ganja smoke adding to the fun at the Fun House. 

While baseball remains as my #1 sports love it's clear to see that Football is America's pastime time now and the Super Bowl and Super Bowl parties are now what the 4th of July used to be like in America

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